
We are relatively “low key” in our  approach.

We respect ALL persons and their right to believe as they see best for them …

Hopefully they recognize God as a friend and as Creator Source.

The words of a wise Mother …

Lead by your good example so people ask – what makes them so different???

The answer is of course …

God is in their life … they judge not a person for in truth … we are all one … some do have a tougher life than another, so we all need to help each other as best we can.

Sometimes it might just be:-

Spend some time so they can talk

Perhaps they have relationship or financial problems

Housing, medical and education costs are a problem for many and

For others it is mobility as we age


Some just need to be listened to … so they know someone cares.

We have no church, no temple, no mosque for as Esu Jesus Jmmanuel Sananda said

“We (our bodies) are the temple …”

Therefore let us respect and help all.

We travel quietly from Country to Country … hopefully making a difference where-ever we go.

So here is an very important statement for each of us to reflect upon…


“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of it’s existence.”

You will appreciate that by having guidance and input from God, we will be better guided and so as a consequence our thinking will be more divinely guided.

It is when mankind think they can know it all, and do things by ourselves, that we prove to ourselves (if we are honest) that we know so little.

As we commence to have a “web presence” please visit us again for we are just building the site and have much more to include.

Your Donation will greatly assist us spread the good news!

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